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Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI)

  201-833-3280    |      [email protected]

Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI)

MRI is a diagnostic technique that provides high-quality cross-sectional images of organs and structures within the body without X-rays or other type of radiation. Holy Name's Radiology Department contains two closed 1.5T MRI Units. Our newest unit is the Siemens Aera. The bore design on this magnet is larger which can accommodate all body types. The table is able to hold a patient's weight up to and including 450lbs. Patient's are much less claustrophobic. The Aera also has a removable table that can adjust its height to provide special needs of various patients.

During an MRI, the patient is exposed to short bursts of powerful magnetic fields and radio waves. The bursts stimulate hydrogen atoms in the patient's tissues to emit signals, which are detected and analyzed by a computer to create an image of a "slice" of the patient's body. MRI is particularly useful in studying the brain, extremities and spinal cord. It produces detailed images of major blood vessels, joints, ligaments and soft tissues.

The following exams are performed in the Holy Name Medical Center MRI Department:
  • All Types of Brain MRI's Including MS Studies
  • Cervical, Thoracic and Lumbar Spine
  • Renal Studies
  • Chest/Aorta
  • Lower Extremity Runoff
  • Abdomen/Pelvis
  • Enterography
  • Prostate MRI
  • Female Pelvis for Fibroids
  • Breast MRI
  • Breast Biopsy
  • All Extremities
  • Arthrograms of Shoulders, Hips, Knees and Elbows

The MRI Department is accredited by the American College of Radiology (ACR).